Biology is Destiny: Choice of Culture Models and Startup Survival

In 1998, just a year after returning to lead the company he founded after a 12-year hiatus, Steve Jobs took the opportunity presented by a MacWorld address to confront Apple’s critics in public.  During his appearance, he humorously outlined what he dubbed a “Hierarchy of Skepticism,” in order to make a clever, pre-emptive strike against the criticisms he’d inevitably face next.

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All Business Metrics are not Created Equal: Key Performance Indicators

Measuring a business's success can be a difficult task for many entrepreneurs running today's startups.  Who or what's to say a business is successful? Does generating revenue mean success? Questions like these can create a lot of sleepless nights for entrepreneurs.  However, there are ways to answer these types of introspective questions.  Use your business' metrics as a measure of success.

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What are Vanity Metrics? And How to Avoid Them.

Not all metrics are created equal. It takes time, effort, and a strong understanding of your business to identify the best metrics to track for your situation. Metrics fall into two categories for most companies: vanity metrics, or actionable metrics (Key Performance Indicators). Today, we are discussing what exactly makes a vanity metric so we can either avoid tracking something of no value, or better yet, turn that metric into a KPI.  To start, let's take a look at the definition of vanity.

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